What sexuality says about you...
I haven't had sex in ages!
When was our last sexual encounter? Good question. As we remember, it was cold. But apart from that... We remember the man, the last one we slept with unless it's the guy we still sleep with every night. What it says about us: we can underline a lack of opportunities. The solo girl can't find a guy and the taken girl can't find five minutes. But let's be clear, opportunities happen. Basically, it's that we don't really want to. We don't run after sex for sex's sake. Why get laid with the firstcomer if it does not suit us? Why take the initiative of a relationship with our partner between cheese and dessert if it is only to bail out our statistics? We don't is the type of girls to force ourselves and we have always favored quality over quantity. Besides, we feel balanced between work, friends, and TV evenings in the arms of our guy (fully dressed). You don't need sex to feel good, to know that you're in love or to support your celibacy. When it's a problem: the absence of sex can disturb my boyfriend is he frustrated? What if I never made love again? Let's start by trying to understand what we really want, independently of our partner and the “musts” that govern sexuality. If this rhythm suits us, why bother? If, on the contrary, we hope to reactivate our sexual life, let us ask ourselves how we got there. “Certain blockages, such as distrust of men, a lack of confidence, or low morale turn us away from sex. By identifying them and working on them, you make yourself available again,” explains sexologist Daphne. Thus, our sexual desire will arise, he who dozes while waiting for us to have "the head for that".
I always feel like Laughing, we sometimes tell our girlfriends that we're in heat. It's not very poetic, but we have to recognize that our sexual desire is not idle. A talker who never forgets to show up. What it says about us: we are totally connected to our bodies. Sexual desire is never stifled by any modesty, it is understood. “A woman who wants sex all the time is comfortable with her sexuality. She allows this part of herself to express itself freely, ”analyzes the sexologist. That's all about us: living life to the fullest. To go further, let's look at the role that sexuality plays in our lives. "There are chances that sex is an anxiolytic," says the expert. Sex is relaxing. Making love is an escape for us, a parenthesis that brings us back to the essentials. We don't see why we would silence our desire, it wants us well. We have tried to sublimate this sexual energy in other activities, but with yoga, we do not reach the same heights. When it's a problem: if our desire is nagging and out of step with our partner (this little player), we have the right to ask ourselves if we are sexually satisfied. Maybe we are missing a “thing” in bed, after which we run. “In the question of sexual desire, the question of authorization is essential: allowing yourself to desire is one thing, but allowing yourself masturbation, one-night relationships when you are single or new practices as a duo? », asks the sexologist. If it's not the case, our libido continues to make noise, happy to be considered, less to not be satisfied. I'm afraid he's sleeping with an Escort-Girl, everything is fine between us. But it would seem that we do a threesome with a fear of being cheated on. When our guy goes out at night with Simon, we think his name might be Élodie. What it says about us: we are permeable. First to the injunctions: we should often make love, be a perfect lover... So we throw our guy into other beds as soon as we have a migraine or show him a little sexual form. Overall, we doubt a lot of ourselves, convinced that the other girls are prettier and more talented. A lack of trust affects our partners. Then, we are sensitive to everything we hear (so-and-so deceived so-and-so) or what we see in the movies (so-and-so deceived so-and-so). We move forward in our story with a lot of generalities from the bottom of our hearts and the hope of being reassured to compensate for our ability to imagine the worst. When it's a problem: we suspect our guy as soon as his phone vibrates, and it hurts us. One of two things: either we rightly freak out and open the discussion (or the investigation), or we are subject to abandonment, the fear of abandonment. We become paranoid since we cannot imagine that someone can love us without betraying us. Warning: “Being afraid of being deceived can generate a desire to deceive. We unconsciously push the other to take flight”, warns the sexologist. Several options: work on yourself or identify what our partner could do to soothe us. After all, we can very
live well with the syndrome of abandonment and an overflowing imagination, on the condition of being in a relationship with someone who knows how to take us! I'm cheating on him It's happened once or ten times, with one guy or several... Tempted, we got caught up in the game and we notice today that infidelity is part of us, that it's stronger than we. However, we are in love (well, we think so). What it says about us: “An unfaithful woman feels she exists when she seduces other men or flirts with them”, observes the sexologist. Cheating on one's companion is therefore a quest for freedom, thrills, but also balance. The guy and the lover are two halves of an apple: they complement each other. And then our infidelity reflects the need to take our lives into our own hands. We are full of energy and always determined. “For fear of being deceived, a woman may become unfaithful so as not to suffer betrayal. She is in control, she anticipates the situation, ”continues the specialist. All in all, we seek to be masters of our bodies and our destiny. When it's a problem: if you feel guilty, you have to take stock. "In this case, you should no longer question the infidelity between yourself and yourself, but with regard to your couple, who are certainly experiencing dysfunctions," advises Daphne. What if I wasn't happy enough in bed? What if my partner doesn't give me enough compliments? If we get lost in other arms and regret it, it is because certain points do not satisfy us. Which? It needs to be clarified. a woman can become unfaithful so as not to suffer betrayal. She is in control, she anticipates the situation, ”continues the specialist. All in all, we seek to be masters of our bodies and our destiny. When it's a problem: if you feel guilty, you have to take stock. "In this case, you should no longer question the infidelity between yourself and yourself, but with regard to your couple, who are certainly experiencing dysfunctions," advises Daphne. What if I wasn't happy enough in bed? What if my partner doesn't give me enough compliments? If we get lost in other arms and regret it, it is because certain points do not satisfy us. Which? It needs to be clarified. a woman can become unfaithful so as not to suffer betrayal. She is in control, she anticipates the situation, ”continues the specialist. All in all, we seek to be masters of our bodies and our destiny. When it's a problem: if you feel guilty, you have to take stock. "In this case, you should no longer question the infidelity between yourself and yourself, but with regard to your couple, who are certainly experiencing dysfunctions," advises Daphne. What if I wasn't happy enough in bed? What if my partner doesn't give me enough compliments? If we get lost in other arms and regret it, it is because certain points do not satisfy us. Which? It needs to be clarified. continues the specialist. All in all, we seek to be masters of our bodies and our destiny. When it's a problem: if you feel guilty, you have to take stock. "In this case, you should no longer question the infidelity between yourself and yourself, but with regard to your couple, who are certainly experiencing dysfunctions," advises Daphne. What if I wasn't happy enough in bed? What if my partner doesn't give me enough compliments? If we get lost in other arms and regret it, it is because certain points do not satisfy us. Which? It needs to be clarified. continues the specialist. All in all, we seek to be masters of our bodies and our destiny. When it's a problem: if you feel guilty, you have to take stock. "In this case, you should no longer question the infidelity between yourself and yourself, but with regard to your couple, who are certainly experiencing dysfunctions," advises Daphne. What if I wasn't happy enough in bed? What if my partner doesn't give me enough compliments? If we get lost in other arms and regret it, it is because certain points do not satisfy us. Which? It needs to be clarified. you no longer have to question the infidelity between yourself and yourself, but with regard to your couple, who are certainly experiencing dysfunctions, ”advises Daphne. What if I wasn't happy enough in bed? What if my partner doesn't give me enough compliments? If we get lost in other arms and regret it, it is because certain points do not satisfy us. Which? It needs to be clarified. you no longer have to question the infidelity between yourself and yourself, but with regard to your couple, who are certainly experiencing dysfunctions, ”advises Daphne. What if I wasn't happy enough in bed? What if my partner doesn't give me enough compliments? If we get lost in other arms and regret it, it is because certain points do not satisfy us. Which? It needs to be clarified.
I can only cum in the same position.
Sunday, a missionary, Thursday, a missionary, and Monday... a missionary. This position is a safe bet: it propels us straight to orgasm.
What it says about us: we are attached to our habits. Every morning, we drink our coffee from the same cup and every Saturday we enjoy at a right angle. Why venture into a new restaurant or test all the Kamasutra if it works very well that way? In addition, our partner is not asking for new practices since he has found our instructions. So we stay in our comfort zone. “Over time, the young woman convinces herself that there is only one way to enjoy and develops a belief: according to her, sex cannot be otherwise, at the risk of being less pleasant”, analyzes Daphné. When it's a problem: it's routine. Our partner gets tired... "When you always come in the same position and you feel cramped, you have to first ask yourself if you know your body well, ”says the expert. We can admit that the anatomy of the clitoris seems a little fuzzy to us and that we are not very curious. If you want to open your field of possibilities, keep in mind that you have the right to experience a few blows for nothing: maybe by trying another position, you won't come. So what? Sexuality is not automatic, it is a matter of learning over time, solo or in pairs. And if we're afraid to change position, let's change the scenery first. Ciao the bed, hello the sofa. Let's disrupt our habits, millimeter by millimeter. keep in mind that we have the right to live a few blows for nothing: maybe by trying another position, we will not enjoy. So what? Sexuality is not automatic, it is a matter of learning over time, solo or in pairs. And if we're afraid to change position, let's change the scenery first. Ciao the bed, hello the sofa. Let's disrupt our habits, millimeter by millimeter. keep in mind that we have the right to live a few blows for nothing: maybe by trying another position, we will not enjoy. So what? Sexuality is not automatic, it is a matter of learning over time, solo or in pairs. And if we're afraid to change position, let's change the scenery first. Ciao the bed, hello the sofa. Let's disrupt our habits, millimeter by millimeter.
I am virgin
We had a sweetheart in college, exchanged kisses, and almost extended. But no. Then the years passed and the men did not jostle at the gate. Despite a few extensive caresses, we are still a virgin. What it says about us: nothing serious. We're not a girl who rushes as soon as a guy blinks. We are even incorrigible romantic (kindly demanding) who prefers to push back opportunities while waiting to find the right one.
The thing is, the more time passes, the less we find him perched on a pedestal. But we get used to it. We continue to hope for the one who will mark the starting point of our love life and therefore of our sex life. Above all, we need feelings and a strong bond. When it poses a problem: in the long run, this first report seems to us more and more inaccessible. Vicious circle: the fear of the big bath makes us step back, and the more we step back, the more we are afraid until we avoid it. But what are we avoiding? A guy freaked out by our confession? A guy who would make fun of us? Or, let's put it there, just a guy? Let's question our intimate desires, beyond the gaze of others. “The important thing is to remember that there are no standards when it comes to sexuality. And that sexuality has no age: some women lose their virginity very early but discover pleasure very late”, reassures the sexologist. Being concerned about your virginity is a pretty good sign: you have a sex life, even if, concretely, it doesn't take shape. Conversely, the fact of never thinking about it or projecting oneself is due to a lack of interest in sex. You just have to know: you can be very happy without sex.
Well, we all know...
I have bigger orgasms (and faster) alone than together. I never came the first night with a man. I can be on the verge of orgasm, and it suddenly stops (and it doesn't come back and it annoys me). I've never orgy and I have no desire. Since the birth of the children, • sex is no longer in my top 10. I still haven't grasped the difference between clitoral and vaginal.
I only like the first times Every time we meet, we get fired up. Making love for the first time is so good that it's easy to get pissed off when a guy calls us back. What it says about us: we like thrills, discoveries, and the unknown. We don't like: boredom and repeated situations. And our sex life is no exception. The new body, new smell, new atmosphere, new apprehensions too... A cocktail that makes us addicted to Escorts-Girls, since “our libido, by definition, is fond of novelty”, according to the sexologist. For the chills to last, we tend to slam the door before they take care of it. Besides, we did the same with our new job six months ago. When it's a problem: we would like our relationships to settle down over time. "It would be fair to ask yourself if you are ready to invest yourself emotionally and build a story," says Daphne. Indeed, isn't our love from the first time a “pretext” for not giving in to feelings of love, to commitment? Next, let's reconsider our thinking: what if every report was a first time? It's the first day, of the week. Let's use our creativity so that sex does not go in circles. I do I never want We have already crossed our sexual desire, but it seems that for some time it has been absent subscribers. What it says about us: we are not ready to make love. Sexual desire is generally expressed when it feels that we have the head for it. If we are preoccupied with other things, like work or moving, he leaves us alone. Ditto if our mental load takes up too much space, if we are tired... Yes, our libido results partly from hormonal activity, but it also depends on our state of mind and physical. She needs to feel welcomed. If, however, it happens to impose itself, we no longer pay attention to it: “Sometimes, the desire is there. Only we do not hear it because we are not listening to the signals of our body ", says the sexologist. When it's a problem: in the long run, we don't even want to want anymore, because a lack of desire makes us think that we will not feel any pleasure in bed. But appetite comes with eating. To connect to this timid or unseen (or no longer) desire, let's identify the detail that could awaken it. Is it about freeing up time and organizing romantic evenings to better perceive our sexual arousal? To take care of our body to awaken our sensuality? To masturbate to see that "the machine" is still running? Boosting your libido is an intimate affair. To each woman her lever, provided she is willing. One will not feel any pleasure in bed. But appetite comes with eating. To connect to this timid or unseen (or no longer) desire, let's identify the detail that could awaken it. Is it about freeing up time and organizing romantic evenings to better perceive our sexual arousal? To take care of our body to awaken our sensuality? To masturbate to see that "the machine" is still running? Boosting your libido is an intimate affair. To each woman, her lever provided she is willing. One will not feel any pleasure in bed. But appetite comes with eating. To connect to this timid or unseen (or no longer) desire, let's identify the detail that could awaken it. Is it about freeing up time and organizing romantic evenings to better perceive our sexual arousal? To take care of our body to awaken our sensuality? To masturbate to see that "the machine" is still running? Boosting your libido is an intimate affair. To each woman, her lever provided she is willing. organize romantic evenings to better perceive our sexual excitement? To take care of our body to awaken our sensuality? To masturbate to see that "the machine" is still running? Boosting your libido is an intimate affair. To each woman, her lever provided she is willing. organize romantic evenings to better perceive our sexual excitement? To take care of our body to awaken our sensuality? To masturbate to see that "the machine" is still running? Boosting your libido is an intimate affair. To each woman her lever provided she is willing.
Orgasm is on everyone's lips, but still not in our bed. We never experienced the fireworks (the house was already close). What it says about us: Like a woman who always cums in the same position, we have become accustomed to sex without an orgasm. And that doesn't stop us from enjoying every report. We understood (and so much the better) that the pleasure does not only reside in the final bouquet but that it is expressed from the preliminaries. “A woman who does not experience orgasm is more sensitive to voluptuous relationships and emotional relationships with her partners. She focuses on the caresses, the exchange, “says the sexologist. A good point: to think only of enjoying is to take the risk of not enjoying When it poses a problem: among our three magical wishes, there is that of finally experiencing this orgasmic discharge. But why is it not coming? First of all, we can ask ourselves whether or not we know our bodies well and have taken the time to explore them alone. Then it is also appropriate to ask ourselves if we allow ourselves to enjoy ourselves. “A woman who feels guilty because she is cheating on her partner or a woman who does not feel desirable because she is complexed, has just had a child or feels old, can unconsciously prevent herself from enjoying”, concludes the sexologist. What are we punishing ourselves for? we know our body well and whether we have taken the time to explore it alone. Then it is also appropriate to ask ourselves if we allow ourselves to enjoy ourselves. “A woman who feels guilty because she is cheating on her partner or a woman who does not feel desirable because she is complexed, has just had a child or feels old, can unconsciously prevent herself from enjoying”, concludes the sexologist. What are we punishing ourselves for? we know our body well and whether we have taken the time to explore it alone. Then it is also appropriate to ask ourselves if we allow ourselves to enjoy ourselves. “A woman who feels guilty because she is cheating on her partner or a woman who does not feel desirable because she is complexed, has just had a child or feels old, can unconsciously prevent herself from enjoying”, concludes the sexologist. What are we punishing ourselves for?
The sexual behavior of French people today
Do we make love today like twenty years ago? This question is the subject of long-term work carried out by Zaramodel. After the first survey was published in 2019, the site interviewed 200 people and provides a complete and current overview of the sexual life of the French in the article "Sexuality in France". It turns out that we are more liberated: we talk about sex with fewer tweezers. Blowjob, masturbation, sodomy... So many practices have always existed but are now told without embarrassment. A subject that ZaraModel calls the end of taboos, which however continues to make people blush. Transsexual experiences? Remote sex? Nothing of that. In reality, it is the absence of reports. : Young or old, all are uneasy at the
If tongues are loosened, it is to speak of what is, less of what is not. Performance, when you hold us!